A Brief History of Jessup's General Store
A Brief History of Jessup's General Store:
In 1947, my Great Grandparents, Bert and Doris Jessup purchased "Gerber's Store" at Touchwood siding in Saskatchewan. Along with their son (my grandfather Reginald), they opened "Jessup's General Store" and served their community for 5 years.
The store handled groceries, hardware and fuel, etc and undoubtedly with the harsh prairie winters, they were famous for stove wood. Touchwood Post Office was also handled in the store; mail was received and distributed for the surrounding area. The mail train was met every evening (except on Saturday's) at 11:10p.m.
In 1952 the store was sold to P.J. Luck from Raymore and my Great Grandparents retired in Punnichy, Saskatchewan.